The best meatballs

These glo­ri­ous meat­balls are one of the most suc­cess­ful dish­es you can make when you have to cook for many and you would like to have some­thing that you can pre­pare in advance and just wam up before serv­ing. I like using them as a “cic­chet­to” as well, just a cou­ple on a small plate to…


Pesto alla trapanese

This deli­cious raw sauce comes from west­ern Sici­ly. It might be far less famous than its broth­er from Gen­o­va but I often pre­fer it to it because of its fresh­ness. Nor­mal­ly it goes with a pas­ta called “busi­ate tra­pane­si”, a kind of twist­ed spaghet­ti, but you can sure­ly use reg­u­lar or “alla chi­tar­ra” spaghet­ti. I learnt this recipe…


Artusi’s cantucci

Pel­le­gri­no Artusi is the leg­endary author of the clas­sic Tus­can cook­book “The Sci­ence of Cook­ing and the Art of Fine din­ing”, appeared in 1891. This book has aged so well that most of its recipes still work won­ders; I use it very often and these bis­cuits are some­thing I make reg­u­lar­ly, they are sim­ple and…


Fiori di zucca fritti

Fried zuc­chi­ni blos­soms are a best of the Ital­ian sum­mer recipes. I like when the bat­ter is with­out egg and the result is crispy and light like a Japan­ese tem­pu­ra. They make a real­ly great aper­i­ti­vo. Time: 20 min Ingre­di­ents (4 peo­ple, 3 flow­ers each) 12 zuc­chi­ni blos­soms 150 g flour type 00, sift­ed 100–120…


Lavender shortbread

These bis­cuits come from a book I loved called Ke:xs, pub­lished by a Vien­­na-Munich based pub­lish­ing house that I also love called Brand­stät­ter Ver­lag (I changed only a few things after hav­ing tried out the recipe some times). They con­tain laven­der, which I find won­der­ful on cakes as well as in some kinds of bread. Great lit­tle sweets…


Pantesca salad

This sum­mer sal­ad con­tains al the tastes of the beau­ti­ful Pan­tel­le­ria island. The sweet red onions, the olives, the oregano, the toma­toes and above all the capers. They are usu­al­ly pre­served in salt and you can find them in many Ital­ian spe­cial­ty shops around the world. Enjoy this sal­ad in a hot sum­mer night with your…
