This sum­mer sal­ad con­tains al the tastes of the beau­ti­ful Pan­tel­le­ria island. The sweet red onions, the olives, the oregano, the toma­toes and above all the capers. They are usu­al­ly pre­served in salt and you can find them in many Ital­ian spe­cial­ty shops around the world. Enjoy this sal­ad in a hot sum­mer night with your fam­i­ly and friends!

Time: 30 min­utes

Ingre­di­ents (serves 6) 

600 g pota­toes
300 g cher­ry toma­toes
20 g Pan­tel­le­ria capers
1 red onion (if you can find it get a Tro­pea onion, which has a most sweet taste)
1 spoon of black olives
some leaves fresh basil
dried oregano
1 glass of red wine vine­gar and two tbsp white vine­gar (of white wine or apple)
extra vir­gin olive oil
salt and pep­per

  1. Bring a large pot of water to boil.
  2. Cut the onion in thin rings and soak it in the vine­gar for about 30 min­utes. This will sweet­en the taste.
  3. Peel and cut the pota­toes in slices of about half cen­ti­menter.
  4. Put some salt and two spoons of white vine­gar in the water then boil the pota­toes.
  5. Drain the onions. Let the pota­toes cool down.
  6. Cut the toma­toes in half, take the seeds off and let them drain as well.
  7. Final­ly mix every­thing togeth­er gen­tly and add the capers, the olives and the leaves of basil. Sea­son with olive oil, oregano, salt and pep­per.