I come from Flo­rence and I am a musi­cian. I spent eleven years in Vien­na study­ing music, play­ing and giv­ing cook­ing cours­es at the won­der­ful Babet­te’s. Now I trav­el the world per­form­ing with orches­tras and I spend my free time cook­ing and teach­ing peo­ple from oth­er coun­tries the joys of Ital­ian food.

This web­site is a col­lec­tion of the recipes I teach dur­ing my cook­ing work­shops. Most of them are quite sim­ple and they make great every­day meals. Enjoy it!

Con­tact me at: giuliabarbini@me.com

Friends and use­ful links:

Babet­te’s in Vien­na – the best shop for cook­ing books, excel­lent spices and cook­ing work­shops.

Slow Food Italy: my main resource for good prod­ucts, news, events and edu­ca­tion for a bet­ter future of food.

Triple A: an asso­ci­a­tion of wine mak­ers pro­duc­ing nat­ur­al wines. Each one of them is real­ly worth try­ing.