Pane carasau is a thin, crispy bread from Sardeg­na. It used to be the bread of fish­er­men because it stays good for a long time. They would take it on their boats and soak it in sea water before eat­ing it.

You can it as a bread, with a sauce or a dip, or you can cook with it (using it on lay­ers as the pas­ta in the lasagne, for exam­ple). It takes some time to pre­pare it but the fact that it stays good for a long time makes it a great thing to have in your kitchen.

TIME: 30 min + 2–3 hours leav­en­ing time

250 g flour 00 and 250 g durum wheat semoli­na
280 g water
6 g fresh yeast (or 2 g dried yeast)
5 g salt

  1. Melt the yeast in the water and mix all the ingre­di­ents to obtain a very elas­tic and com­pact dough. Cov­er with a plas­tic film and leave to rest for 10–15 min­utes.
  2. Form six lit­tle balls, cov­er again with plas­tic film and a clean kitchen tow­el, let it rest for 2–3 hours.
  3. Heat the oven at 250°, leav­ing a stone or an upside-down bak­ing tray inside. Roll the dough in round discs of 20 cm, leave to rest a bit and then roll again so that the discs are very thin and even.
    Leave to rest between clean kitchen tow­els for 15 min­utes.
  4. Slide the first disc on the hot stone/baking tray, after cir­ca 40 sec­onds it will inflate and form an emp­ty ball. Take out and sep­a­rate the upper from the low­er part. Let it cool down on a kitchen tow­el and rea­peat this pro­ce­dure with all the discs. At the end bake again each disc for a cou­ple of min­utes (you can put three or four at the same time in the oven) until they reach a nice gold col­or.



You can keep the bread in a paper bag for many days.
I tried it with a real­ly fan­tas­tic toma­to paste from Fat­to­ria di Gèsu, a Slow Food farm in Valle del Bilì­ci, Sici­ly. It’s made from a vari­ety of toma­toes called siccagno, that grows in an extreme­ly dry soil with­out being watered. They are extreme­ly tasty and sweet. At the moment the farm di Gesù is the only one hav­ing this vari­ety of toma­to.