Bread­crumbs are  some­thing real­ly valu­able in a kitchen. I use them a lot when I bake veg­eta­bles in the oven to give a lit­tle crisp­ness on top but also when I make cakes with fruit because they absorb the humid­i­ty, or in some kinds of pas­ta, or as a lay­er under­neath pies. I always make my own bread­crumbs with old bread, and they taste so much bet­ter than the ones you buy in the gro­cery store.

  1. You just need a mix­er like this one:
  2. You can use any kind of white bread that has become hard, best is Tus­can bread, baguette or cia­bat­ta. Once you have grat­ed it with the mix­er, put it on a bak­ing tray and bake it a few min­utes in the oven at 180° until it’s gold­en on top. This will improve the taste and take off any humid­i­ty that might be left.
  3. Keep it in a jar, it eas­i­ly lasts some months.