When in Tus­cany in the sum­mer, weath­er you have a kitchen or not, this is one of the best meals to have: figs, ham and bread.
You can cer­tain­ly repro­duce this some­where else but you know that when a meal is so sim­ple, the qual­i­ty of the ingre­di­ents is essen­tial, and there’s only one place where you can get exact­ly the right com­bi­na­tion of these three things.

  • Figs: in Italy they grow more or less every­where dur­ing the sum­mer. They are del­i­cate fruits that tend not to trav­el because they go bad very quick­ly, so what you find is most­ly from the local mar­ket. I like to use the “ver­di­ni”, the small green ones that grow on those beau­ti­ful trees that you find at the edge of every field.
  • Ham: it should be a Tus­can ham, which is quite spicy and pep­pery, like the one from Prato­mag­no, near Arez­zo. Because Tus­can cold cuts are so savory they are best accom­pa­nied by Tus­can bread.
  • Tus­can bread. This bread is unique in Italy as it is with­out salt. If you are not used to it and you eat it on its own you prob­a­bly won’t be very enthu­si­as­tic but in fact it match­es per­fect­ly the Tus­can spe­cial­ties, which are nor­mal­ly very tasty and savory, as it hap­pens for cold cuts.