This is an apple tart of my youth. We used to call it the “metro” because you can real­ly eat a meter of it…
You can either use a large mold or 5–6 small ones. The small ones are a bet­ter solu­tion if you use the tart as a dessert at din­ner, then they will look nice on a plate and you can accom­pa­ny each one with a spoon of whipped cream. In this recipe I use a dough which suits to a lot of tarts, a sort of quick puff pas­try.

Time: 1 hour

Ingre­di­ents (makes 5 small or one big pie)

for the pas­try
150 g flour
75 g cold but­ter, cut in chunks very cold water as need­ed
one tsp of cin­na­mon
a pinch of salt

for the top­ping
4 small sweet apples
a hand­ful of wal­nuts
one tbsp of bread­crumbs
two tbsp of spir­it (whisky, brandy or cognac)
some drops of lemon juice
some but­ter

  1. Make the dough mix­ing quick­ly flour, but­ter, a pinch of salt and ice-cold water. Make sure that chunks of but­ter don’t com­plete­ly melt in the dough. Wrap in plas­tic film and put in the fridge for 20–30 min­utes.
  2. Pre­heat the oven at 180° and peel the apples and sprin­kle some lemon juice on them.
  3. With a small mix­er grind the wal­nuts (not very fine). Mix the wal­nuts with the bread­crumbs, a spoon of sug­ar, the spir­it and the cin­na­mon.
  4. On a light­ly floured board, knead gen­tly the dough and form it into a smooth rec­tan­gle. Roll it in one direc­tion only, keep­ing edges straight and even. Don’t over­work the but­ter streaks; you should have a mar­bled effect. Fold the top third down to the cen­tre, then the bot­tom third up and over that, rotate 90° and roll it out again in the new direc­tion, repeat­ing the same process two more times. Final­ly roll it out nor­mal­ly.
  5. Cut out the discs of dough 1,5 cm larg­er than the bot­tom of your molds. Line the dough in your but­ters molds.
  6. In each mold put a lay­er of the wal­nut mix­ture, then place the apples. Sprin­kle with some sug­ar and cin­na­mon, some but­ter flakes and bake in the oven at 180° for about 15 min­utes until crust is light gold.